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- International Pre-Biennale (November, 23-24)
For the full Program, please see here
Participants’ gallery
2nd Online International Pre-Biennale
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
12:00-13:30 (greek time zone)
Prof. Damianos Konstantinidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The stage director and the text
(workshop language: French & English)
Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou
Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs & Students Welfare, University of the Aegean
Directress of the L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Biennale
Philosophy all around: Mind the body… (and vice versa)
(workshop language: French & English)
Prof. Apostolos Lampropoulos
Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, France
Intimacy: critical tool, political concept
(workshop language: French & English, in function of the audience)
Prof. Arno Gisinger
Université Paris Lumières à Saint-Denis (Paris 8), France
Konstellation Benjamin
(workshop language: English & French)
Prof. Marissa Silverman
John J. Cali School of Music, Montclair State University, U.S.A.
Music education values matter
(workshop language: English)
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Albert Kümmel-Schnur
University of Konstanz, Germany
In transfer. Applied Philosophy by philosophical applications
(workshop language: English)
Prof. Panos Kouros
University of Patras, Greece
In collaboration with
Angeliki Avgitidou
Artist, Assoc. Professor University of Western Macedonia
Evangelia Basdekis
Performer, Performance Artist
Mary Zygouri
Visual &Performance Artist/ researcher
Walking in Ruins
(workshop language: English)
Prof. Marina Santi
University of Padova, Italy
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
(workshop language: English)
Prof. Megan Jane Laverty
Teachers College, Columbia University, U.S.A.
Prof. Maughn Rollins Gregory
Montclair State University, U.S.A.
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Philosophy in Children’s Literature
(workshop language: English)
2nd Online International Biennale
of Practical Philosophy
Thursday, November 25, 2021
11:30-11:50 (greek time zone)
Prof. Adalberto Dias de Carvalho
ISCET – Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo
University of Porto, Portugal
Scientific Committee at the Biennale & at the L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The journey as a research of elsewhere
(presentation language: English & French)
Prof. Martine Janner Raimondi
University Paris XIII
Laboratory EXPERICE, France
The Subject’s place in ethical and epistemological concerns in the context of empirical research concerning the experience of a rare disease: the case of Lupus
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Yannis Prelorentzos
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
The role of increased vitality and self-creation
in the Bergsonian philosophy of action
(presentation language: French)
Dr. Valerie Viné Vallin
Laboratory EXPERICE, France
How do marginalized young people with disabilities become actors in their lives?
(presentation language: French)
Dr. María José Carrasco Zavala
University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Altruism and its limits on thinking about teacher’s professional ethics
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Evi Sampanikou
University of the Aegean, Greece
Posthumanism as a Contemporary Practical Philosophy. The formation of its meaning in the Beyond Humanism Conference Series (BHC)
(presentation language: English)
Leo Caves
Postgraduate student, University of the Azores, Portugal
The philosophical environment
(presentation language: English)
Constantin Irodotou
Teaching Assistant, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Moment 68: From Lacan to Deleuze and Guattari
(presentation language: French)
Dr. Gabriele Di Patrizio
University of Strasbourg, France
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The notion of trade:
between self-construction and transformative gestures
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Paulin Hounsounon-Tolin
University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin, West Africa
Education to social life: Storytelling sessions in Fon area in Benin compared with the educational method of Socrates and common notions of the Stoics
(presentation language: French)
Dr. Spyridon Stelios
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Towards an Artificial Wildlife:
Environmental Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
(presentation language: Greek)
Prof. Megan Jane Laverty & Prof. Maughn Rollins Gregory
Philosophy for Children Founders
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Jacques Quintin
University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Scientific Committee at the Biennale & at the L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Friendship to make the meaning that can be
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Pablo Flores del Rosario
ISCEEM, Mexico
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
For an ethical potency in the childhood: Every lie has its motive
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Magda Costa Carvalho
University of the Azores, Portugal
Images of philosophy to dislodge some ideas about its encounter with children
(presentation language: English)
Pierre Johan Laffitte
MCF HDR, Laboratory Experice, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France
What is the praxis of Institutionnal Psychotherapy and Pedagogy
(presentation language: French)
Jean-François Dupeyron
Emeritus MCF HDR, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, France
Scientific Committee at the Biennale & at the L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Making common through philosophical gestures
(presentation language: French)
Friday, November 26, 2021
11:00-11:20 (greek time zone)
Emeritus Prof. Didier Moreau
University of Paris VIII, France
Scientific Committee at the Biennale & at the L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Dr. Jian Ding
University of Paris VIII, France
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Education and training of oneself: Confucius and the Stoics, cross-eyed French-Chinese
(presentation language: French)
Anne-Marie Drouin-Hans
MCF HDR, University of Bourgogne, France
Researcher, SOFPHIED
«Your gesture is false!» Philosophy of gesture and philosophical gesture in education
(presentation language: French)
Roger Monjo
Emeritus MCF HDR, University of Montpellier, France
Ethics and politics of resistance in a school environment
(presentation language: French)
Alfred Romuald Gambou
MCF, University of Nantes, France
Teaching practice and awareness of the philosophical gesture. An approach based on the interpretation of Giorgio Agamben’s philosophy
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Arie Kizel
University of Haifa, Israel
President, International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC)
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The Ethical Responsibility of the facilitator in Communities of Philosophical Inquiry
(presentation language: English)
Alessandra Mazzini
Assistant Prof., University of Bergamo, Italy
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The narrative gesture as a philosophical, educational and formative gesture
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Dominique Fournier-Willoughby
University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France
(workshop language: English & French)
Prof. Mohamed Miliani
University of Oran 2, Algeria
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
When desire deserts the gesture of transmitting…
(presentation language: French)
Caroline Blanvillain
MCF, University of Montpellier, France
Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory in Didactics, Education and Training (LIRDEF)
Plasticity & values
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Arie Kizel
Hani Granot- Manela
Postgraduate student, University of Haifa, Israel
Matthew Lipman’s Concept of Relationship in Education
(presentation language: English)
Dr. Ozlem Kanat
Ankara University, Turkey
An Ethnographic Women Study: Am I a property!?
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reis
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Prof. Maria das Dores Formosinho Sanches Simões
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Educational teleology urgent critique: A question of horizons
(presentation language: English)
Christiane Gohier
Associate Professor, CRIFPE, University of Quebec in Montreal
The educational gesture and the hidden faces of the self
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Flávio de Carvalho
Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Philosophy, education and the pedagogy of forgetfulness
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Viviana Polo-Flórez
Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali, Colombia
Composite Bodies
Armour, antagonism and affection
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Flávio de Carvalho
Genildo Firmino Santana
MPhil, Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Teaching philosophy and cordel literature
(presentation language: French)
Florentia Oikonomidou
Asssociate Professor, University of the Aegean, Greece
Multiple layers
(workshop language: Greek)
Saturday, November 27, 2021
09:00-09:20 (greek time zone)
Prof. Alexios Petrou
University of Nicosia, Cyprus
The Dionysian view of the World through the eyes of a “Primitive Observer”
(presentation language: Greek)
Kanako W. Ide
Associate Prof., Soka University, Tokyo, Japan
Guest: Alona Zhuravel
Independent circus performer
Performing Arts as a Lesson for Somesthetic Democracy
(presentation language: English)
Wang Yajuan
Associate Prof., Nankai University, Tianjin, China
The Depth of Reduction and the Mystery of Nature
Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological method and its Artistic Implication
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Christoph Wulf
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Embodiment through Mimetic Learning
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Daniela G. Camhy
University of Graz, Austria
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Architecture as a Gesture
(presentation language: English)
Dr. Anna Maria Theocharaki
Phd in Archaeology, Dipylon Society, Greece
Dr. Maria Pigaki
Phd in Didactic in Cartography and Spatial Analysis, Dipylon Society, Greece
Mapping Ancient Athens: Does the digital map promise anything more than what it is?
(presentation language: English & French)
Mireille Kerlan
speech therapist, France
Art to say it
(presentation language: French)
Eleni Panagiotidou
M.Ed., University of Nicosia, Cyprus
The poem as a philosophical plan in a storm for the transformation of the Self and the Other: Paul Celan’s case
(presentation language: Greek)
Eirini Aglaia Rapti
Special Education Teacher, MSc in Science of Education, Greece
Aesthetics and the educative request of emancipation in Jacques Ranciere’s work
(presentation language: Greek)
Prof. Paul Standish
UCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom
Representations of Education in Film
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Michelle Bianca Santos Dantas
Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil
Between imminences and aesthetic remininences: philosophical gestures and poiesis
(presentation language: English)
Fernanda Lemos de Lima
Associate Professor, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The foreign, the other: forms, entrails
(presentation language: Greek)
Dr. Maria Argyriou
University of The Aegean, Rhodes-Greece
Dr. Mirna Sabljar
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, The Republic of Croatia
Katarina Zadnik
Assistant Prof., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
“Gesture” as a mean of personal musical expression and life performance: Singing, Conducting, Performing
(workshop language: English)
3rd Online
Doctoral Students International Seminar:
Research Themes III, 2021-2022
Prof. Valter Ferreira Rodrigues
Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Prof. Flávio de Carvalho
Social and pedagogical relevances
in the PhD researches in philosophy
(workshop language: English)
Konstantinia Antoniou
Doctoral student, University of Macedonia, Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Alexandros Theodoridis
Understanding the narrative of the vulnerable self of a homeless person through the problematic of Ricoeur’s “narrative self
(presentation language: English)
Eleni Eirini Chronopoulou
Doctoral student, University of the Aegean, Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou
Doctoral student collaborator, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Investigating silence: an attempt to approach the Latent Curriculum
(presentation language: English)
Evi Dimitropoulou
Doctoral student, University of the Aegean, Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou
Doctoral student collaborator, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The unfamiliar/uncanny style of the demonic and its changing character in the (out of frame) space
(presentation language: English)
Daniel Gaivota
Doctoral student, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Supervisor: Prof. Walter Omar Kohan
Doctoral student collaborator, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Reflections about childhood and the invisible
(presentation language: English)
Enzo Godinot
Doctoral student, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, SPH, France
Supervisor: Prof. Valéry Laurand
Poursuit of tranquillity in case of emergency according to epicureanism and skepticism (2)
(presentation language: French)
Alexandros Azaizes
Doctoral student, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Yannis Prelorentzos
Ethics as an act. The concept of generosity in the moral philosophy of René Descartes
(presentation language: Greek)
Sunday, November 28, 2021
3rd Online
Doctoral Students International Seminar:
Research Themes III, 2021-2022
11:00-11:20 (greek time zone)
Chien-Chiao Liao
Doctoral student, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France
Supervisor: Prof. Didier Moreau
Deleuze’s Synthesis of Time-Paradox of Time about «In Search of Lost Time» by Proust
(presentation language: French)
Mathias Moreau
Doctoral student, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, France
Supervisor: Jean-François Dupeyron, Emeritus MCF HDR
Co-supervisor: Prof. Jacques Quintin
From the birth of the individual through angst as an existential hapax. Plea for a solar and aristocratic individualism
(presentation language: French)
Xue Han
Doctoral student, University Côte d’Azur, France
Supervisor: Prof. Vincent Meyer
Co-supervisor: Prof. Ying Wu, University of Shanghai, China
The inspiration of ancient Chinese philosophical thoughts to solve the cross-cultural communication problem of the Confucius Institute
(presentation language: English)
Elena Nikolakopoulou
Doctoral student, University of the Aegean, Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou
Doctoral student collaborator, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The fission of the subject and the ‘exhaustion’ of language in Beckett’s work
(presentation language: English)
Eugenia Patta
Doctoral student, University of the Aegean, Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou
Doctoral student collaborator, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
«Muselmann» in Nazi concentration camps: the liminality of the body
(presentation language: English)
Giorgia Tsouderos
Doctoral student, University of Ioannina, Greece
Supervisor: Thanasis Sakellariadis, Assistant Prof.
Automatic writing: The study of consciousness in philosophy, psychology and literature
(presentation language: English)
Evi Mamali
Doctoral student, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Supervisor: Simos Papadopoulos, Assistant Prof.
Inquiry drama in philosophy for/with children: an embodied philosophical inquiry in the classroom
(presentation language: Greek)
Pagona Moukazi
Doctoral student, Ionian University, Greece
Supervisor: Prof. Ioannis Lazaratos
Conceptual extension of the exhibit and architectural formation of the space
(presentation language: Greek)
Eleni Tziora
Doctoral student, Democritus University of Thrace
Supervisor: Prof. Alexandros Theodoridis
The elimination of the possibility of a new beginning into the human world according to Arendt
(presentation language: Greek)
2nd Online International Biennale
of Practical Philosophy
Round Table
Prof. Dimitris Papageorgiou
Vice Rector of Administration, University of The Aegean, Greece
Dr. Nikos Tz. Sergis
Post-Doctoral Resarcher, University of the Aegean, Greece
Dr. Vlasis Kasapakis
Post-Doctoral Resarcher, University of the Aegean, Greece
Ioannis Picharidis
MSc., University of the Aegean, Greece
Dr. Angeliki Chrysanthi
Post-Doctoral Resarcher, University of the Aegean, Greece
Cultural Representation and ICT: problems and prospects interconnected with VR technologies
(round table language: English)
Alexandros Theodoridis
Associate Prof, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The reformation of ‘Pathos-Mathos’ tragic consciousness as a political praxis to overcome modern nihilism
(presentation language: Greek)
Prof. Maria Pournari
University of Ioannina, Greece
Democracy as/and epistemic concept
(presentation language: Greek)
Dr. Costas Galanopoulos
Postdoctoral Researcher, Panteion University of Athens, Greece
The last philosophical gesture
(presentation language: Greek)
Dr. Camille Roelens
Researcher, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Scientific collaborator, CREN
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Defining multicultural society of individuals from a minimalist point of view
Dialogue with Ruwen Ogien for some ethical, political and educational proposals
(presentation language: French)
Dr. Stéphanie Péraud-Puigségur
MCF, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, France
Laboratoire SPH (Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities)
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
The egalitarian writing gesture as a philosophical gesture in the work of Jacques Rancière
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Luc Bégin
Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Institut d’éthique appliquée (IDÉA)
Ethical competence in situation: a pragmatist model
(presentation language: French)
Prof. Emmanuel Banywesize Mukambilwa
University of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo
Democracy and living together in Africa in the test of Practical Philosophy
(presentation language: French)
Gerasimos Kakoliris
Assistant Prof., National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Interdependence and moral responsibility
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Juan José Martínez Olguín
National University of San Martin, Argentina
Associated Researcher, L.R.P.Ph., Greece
Politics and expression
On Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy
(presentation language: English)
Prof. Valter Ferreira Rodrigues
Brazilian Allegory
(presentation language: English)